Powder Above the Clouds

Skinning above Engelberg, Switzerland

Still scoring powder in Engelberg! Monday offered an alltime powder day, with 30cm of fresh and bluebird skies above the inversion clouds. Tuesday offered more fresh tracks for those of us willing to hike a bit above the ski area lifts. I’m loving it here lately!

Skinning above Engelberg, Switzerland

At the top of the line, with an impressive spire overhead.

skiing, Engelberg, Switzerland, powder

Skier: Zapatilla.

Skiing powder in Engelberg, Switzerland

The run goes on…

Skiing powder in Engelberg, Switzerland

…and on…

Skiing powder in Engelberg, Switzerland

…and was so nice we hiked back up for another repeat! Here’s a shot looking down the lower face from the second lap. A bit more tracks this time, but still savory.

18 thoughts on “Powder Above the Clouds

  1. Hey Jack, Looks great! You are such a good photographer. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. Glad you’re living it up out there for the rest of us!

  2. come in jack, more than a week since a post! where are you, hiding in italy? hope it’s fat……………

    1. Hey Paul, I’ve been hiding in Freiburg… gorging myself on the wonderful food there, and enjoying the Fastnacht festivities. Here’s a few pics (actually these are from Luzern on the way there)

      Fastnacht in Luzern

      Fastnacht in Luzern

      Fastnacht in Luzern

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