A Summer in Europe!

Frankfurt Train Station
Frankfurt Train Station

Earlier this week Claudia and I arrived in Germany! We are spending a few weeks in her hometown of Dresden visiting her family and friends and soaking in the ambience of this beautiful city.

But this is just the beginning of our journeys here; we have all summer long to spend trekking around in the Alps! Our plan is to not have a plan – which is the best way to travel. But we do have lots of ideas. The rough outline will be to head south to Bavaria and spend some time in the German Alps. From there we’ll continue into Austria, then possibly down into the Dolomites in Italy. We’ll be back in Dresden at the end of August, then back to the Alps again for September, maybe to the Mt. Blanc area?

Basically, we’re just going to wing it and travel as fast or slow as we feel like. Of course whatever we do will surely involve a lot of hut trekking and photography, with some fun via ferrata climbing here and there to spice things up. For the next three months we’ll be living out of two backpacks and a roller duffel bag, mostly utilizing the efficient train network here to get around.

In an effort to minimize my “eLife” during our travels I won’t be posting blow-by-blow photo trip reports of every trek, nor fully-processed landscape photos, but I will be posting snapshots and short journals from each adventure. So check back often to see what we’re up to!

Auf Wiedersehen!

10 thoughts on “A Summer in Europe!

  1. Have so much fun Jack and Claudia! You guys are so lucky to have no plans and being able to just enjoy it….. bring back thousands of pictures and be safe … Auf Wiedersehen!! 🙂

  2. Awesome, Jack! I thought we might be going to Vienna in September and I really wanted to check out Berchtesgaden and the Bavarian Alps, but things didn’t shape up that way. So you’ll have to take a look in my place! Enjoy, wherever you end up!

  3. Jack,

    How exciting! When I go back to Europe, it will take everything in my power to return to the U.S. I loved living in Europe and hope to do it again. Have a blast, be safe, and don’t keep us waiting too long between photo reports! In all seriousness, enjoy your break from “eLife”, as you put it.

    1. Thanks Justin! Yeah I love it here too… I’ll keep posting as often as I can for sure! Just not big long trip reports like I do sometimes… those take forever… 🙂

  4. Hi Jack, I’m following your website and blog from Bavaria since some time. If you will come along into lower Bavarian, near Regensburg or my home region just reply! It would be nice to meet a fantastic photographer!

    1. Hi Oskar, thanks for your comment! We are actually in Oberstdorf at the moment; I just posted some photos from a week long trek in the Allgäuer Alps. It’s such a beautiful region! We’re not sure where we’re going next… trying to figure that out today.

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