I am pleased to announce that after over 12 years of publishing my gallery website under the address of www.WideRange.org, I have changed the address to www.MountainPhotography.com! This address is obviously a perfect descriptor of my online gallery, it’s easier to remember, and it dovetails nicely with this blog address of www.MountainPhotographer.com.
All my old page addresses will redirect to the new corresponding addresses, so all existing external links will still work properly. Enjoy!
Hey Jack, FYI you are missing the ‘p’ in the actual link above. Congrats on the domain!
Thanks for the tip, Mat! Well, I guess the new domain is a bit harder to type! 🙂
A brand that matches your mountainous addiction and the passion you pour on your imagery! I just sat with mouth agape for a few moments watching your slideshow – nice to see some fresh produce on there too!