Mt. Sneffels Descent

This morning my friends Parker and Aimee and I hiked up and snowboarded down Mt. Sneffels, the iconic fourteener above Ridgway and Ouray. Oddly, this was only my second time on this local 14er; the first time was way back in June 2005 when I rode down a different line, also with Parker and Aimee.

Snowboarding down Sneffels
[+] Parker McAbery snowboards down Mt. Sneffels.

Sneffels summit vista
[+] Parker soaks in the view of the San Juan Mountains from the summit of Mt. Sneffels, 14,156′.

Sneffels ridge
[+] Hiking down the summit ridgeline to get to the couloir that we would ride down. Teakettle and Potosi are the two large peaks in the background.

You can read a trip report from our previous June 2005 Sneffels descent here.

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